Craig relaxes in his orchard of heirloom apples, some of which he eats, but most, with the assistance of helpful yeasts, become cider.

Apple varieties: Arkansas Black; Ashmead’s Kernel; Black Oxford; Blue Pearmain; Golden Russet; Prairie Spy; Old non-Pareil Roxbury Russet; St. Edmund’s Russet; White Winter Pearmain; Wickson Crab; Zabergau Reinette.
Other trees
Chinese, Katy, Moongold, Sungold.
Bali, Kristen, Montmorency, White Gold.
Contender, Reliance.
Illinois Mulberry
Published Stories
Holding History in the Palm of My Hand
A tour through my orchard of heirloom apples: Golden Russet, Black Oxford, Ashmead’s Kernel, and others.
Cherry Picking Memories
Each scarlet fruit enfolds childhood memories...
The Labor of my Fruits
Some reflections about pressing and fermenting apple cider in Springtime..